What : Producing the History of Fashion in the West / Faire l’histoire de la mode dans le monde occidental
When : 11-12-13 mai 2015
Where : Paris (France) > Musée des Arts Décoratifs (auditorium)
Who : International Conference co-organised by the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, le CERHIO – UMR CNRS 6258 et l’IRHiS – UMR CNRS 8529, on RIG-Acorso initiative / Colloque international co-organisé par le Musée des Arts Décoratifs, le CERHIO – UMR CNRS 6258 et l’IRHiS – UMR CNRS 8529, à l’initiative du GIS-Acorso
Abstract : For several decades now Fashion has ceased to be seen as a repertoire of perpetually evolving forms for the researcher to strive to observe, with an eye to drawing up some illusory and ultimately futile inventory. In the wake of works by Georg Simmel, Norbert Elias, Roland Barthes, etc., ways of dressing and adorning the body have been analysed using concepts which place the individual within a network of social norms. Research conducted in the history of the body has added new dimensions to this field of research.
This could have acted as the basis over the past sixty or so years for more numerous and open forms of international cooperation to emerge with regard to the contemporary processes that promote mass fashion and generate uniform means of shaping attitudes and postures. This has not been the case, however, and many barriers persist.
This international symposium will provide a multidisciplinary analysis of museum and university discourses, concepts, experiments and experiences, and of their intellectual origins and the institutional frameworks within which they are produced across diverse local and national contexts. The aim is to better understand the various ways of tackling the subject so as to highlight new areas of research convergence, thereby giving new impetus to international cooperation.
Program downloadable here
The conference proceedings will be published soon in the digital magazine Appearances