New Europe College Bucarest


  • Shawls and Sable Furs: How to Be a Boyar under the Phanariot Regime (1710-1821), in „European History Yearbook”, 20 (2019), 137-158.
  • 2017: Women, Consumption, and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th – 19th Centuries, Brill, Leiden.
  • 2011: From Traditional Attire to Modern Dress:Modes of Identification, Modes of Recognition in the Balkans (XVIth-XXth Centuries), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011 (
  • 2011: Mode et luxe aux Portes de l’Orient. Tradition et modernité dans la société roumaine, Iniciativa Mercurio, Valadolid.
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