Femmes Photographes. Emancipation et performance 1850-1940 (Hazan, Paris 2009); Moderne icone di moda.
La costruzione fotografica del mito (Einaudi 2013); From Family Album to Snapshot Style.
Notes on the Aesthetics of the Snapshot Style between Art and Fashion (Pearson 2015); Lee Miller and Man Ray.
Photography, Fashion, Art (Atlante 2016)
Women Photographers: Annemarie Schwarzenbach, New Dandy and Lesbian Chic Icon (“Visual Resources” 2018)
I nudi maschili di Elio Luxardo. Fotografia e virilità nell’estetica fascista (Rosenberg & Sellier 2020)
Fotografia, estetica femminista e pratiche identitarie (Postmedia books 2021)
Feminism and Italian Photography: Notes on the Inheritance of New Generations from the 1970s (JACCP 2022)
Fotografia e Femminismo tra 800 e 900 (Pearson 2024).