Ivanova, Miglena 2009: Concepts and Practices for Displaying Traditional Costumes on the First Bulgarian Exposition in 1892. – In: Svetieva, A. and A. Ashtalkovska (eds.). Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture/ Социjални и духовни аспекти на материjалната култура. Skopje: MASA, 383-392. Ivanova, Miglena 2015: Conquering the Black Sea Pearl. Old Ottoman Fashions, Gagauz Belles and Local Color on the Late Nineteenth Century Photographs and Oil Paintings from the City of Varna. – In: Vakareliyska, Cynthia Anissava Miltenova (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth Joint Meeting of North American and Bulgarian Scholars, Oregon, May 31 – June 1, 2012. Sofia: Boyan Penev Publishing Center, 123-133. Ivanova, Miglena, Margaret Dimitrova and Simeon Stefanov 2017: Historical Linguistics and Anthropology of Dress in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017). Atlantis Press, DOI:10.2991/iccessh-17.2017.249, 1070-1073. Ivanova, Miglena 2018: Alternative Possibilities for the Representation of Knowledge and Skills Related to the Production, Maintenance and Wearing of Local Clothes. Between the Visible and the Invisible. The Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Museum. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 45-52. |