
School uniforms, dress codes and public responses: from museums to policy makers

Location: this is a hybrid conference both at the University of Aberdeen and online Date: 20th November 2024
Cost: Free
Dr Aude Campbell Le Guennec, Reader in Design Anthropology, The Glasgow School of Art Dr Rachel Shanks, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Aberdeen Cr.)

As revealed in the research published by R. Shanks et al. (eds.) and A. Campbell Le Guennec and N. Coutant (eds.), school uniform continues to be a hot topic in the 2020s across the world. In France, school uniform is presented as a way of securing the secular nature of school education and reinstating a sense of educational authority. In the UK school uniform is presented as a way to mask income differences by providing a level playing field and thus preventing competition and bullying as well as creating a sense of belonging to the school.

“Dressed for School” gathered lived experiences and contributions from young people, educators and the fashion industry to document and create new ways of thinking about clothing culture at school.
Furthermore, this exhibition demonstrated the importance of the work of anthropologists and sociologists to advance the understanding of the mechanisms of uniformisation at school. This research conveys the voice of young people to inform their approach to this dress code and reflects on the ways it is framed by public and school policies as well as on the impact uniforms have on young people and their preparation for adulthood.

Petit Bateau et Deyrolle, collection capsule, Marinière, printemps-été 2017

Call for papers

An international and interdisciplinary conference is being held to analyse the variety of ways school uniforms and dress codes can be investigated. This conference will provide an opportunity to discuss and debate the multifaceted nature of school clothing, and what is needed to rethink school uniforms and dress codes.
Contributions can be presented in person in Aberdeen or online.
Although the language of the conference will be English, communications can be delivered in French.

To submit an abstract please email:

Dr Rachel Shanks r.k.shanks@abdn.ac.uk
and Dr Aude Campbell Le Guennec a.leguennec@gsa.ac.uk

Abstract providing:
• Name, institution, email address.
• Title of presentation, and 250-word abstract (French or English).

Important dates

Deadline for submission of abstract: Friday 6th September 2024

Notification of decision on abstract: Friday 20th September 2024

Deadline for registration: Friday 8th November 2024

Deadline for book chapter manuscripts: Monday 20th January 2025

If support is required for in-person participation of early career researchers, please contact the organisers.

Jean Suquet, Rentrée scolaire : l'école maternelle de la rue Lamarck. Les élèves dans la cour, 1957

In order to better understand ongoing research on the topic of school dressing practices, rdv at the following article of the magazine Apparence(s)

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