What: The Renaissance in cinema: the question of costume
When: September 27th, 2018
Where: Cerisy (France) > International Cultural Centre of Cerisy
Who: Isabelle PARESYS
In the framework of the symposium Reenactment / Reconstitution: Remaking or Thwarting History?, which will take place from Saturday 22 September to Saturday 29 September 2018, at the Centre culturel international de Cerisy (http://www.ccic-cerisy.asso.fr/reenactment18.html)
Summary: If we consider French film production, neither the historical costume, nor even the representation of the Renaissance on the screens has especially attracted researchers. However, costumes, like sets, are visual artifacts that are indispensable to the localization of the action in a given historical time. They provoke in the spectator a sense of otherness and temporal distance, whether or not the spectator has a culture of old fashions. The paper will address the way French cinema costumes the Renaissance with regard to the representations we have of this period and specifically how the costume dresses it for the screen.
Isabelle Paresys is a lecturer in history at the Culture Department of the University of Lille, IRHiS-UDL /CNRS laboratory. Her work focuses on the cultural history of clothing and fashion in the Renaissance and the modern era as well as on historical costume in cinema.
Paresys Isabelle, “With or without strawberries. La Renaissance fait son cinéma”, in La Renaissance en Europe dans sa diversité. Tome 3: Circulation of People, Ideas and Goods, Inheritances, Proceedings of the International Congress organized in Nancy (10-14 June 2013), ed. by Michel Deshaies, Lioudmila Chvedova, Stanislaw Fiszer and Marie-Sol Ortola, Nancy, University of Lorraine, 2015, pp. 439-454.
Paresys Isabelle, “De l’habit au costume: L’image du vêtement comme marqueur de temporalité”, in À perte de vue. Les nouveaux paradigmes du visuel, ed. by Sophie Raux and Daniel Dubuisson, Dijon, Presses du Réel, 2015, pp. 195-208.
Paresys Isabelle, “Corps, apparences vestimententaires et identités en France à la Renaissance”, Apparence(s) [Online], 4 | 2012.
Boucher Shazia, Anne-Claire-Laronde and Isabelle Paresys (eds.), Plein les Yeux ! Le spectacle de la mode / A Feast for the Eyes: Spectacular Fashions, Milano, Silvana Editoriale SPA, 2012.
Paresys Isabelle and Natacha Coquery (eds.), Se vêtir à la cour en Europe (1400-1815), Villeneuve d’Ascq, Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion and CEGES Université de Lille 3 (collection Europe du Nord-Ouest), 2011.
Find other conferences on this theme during the colloquium, notably the workshop On period costumes, theatre, opera, cinema (with an exhibition of mannequins costumes), led by Mickael BOUFFARD.