What : Clothing and Images from Renaissance and Early Baroque
When : 4-5 mars 2016
Where : Nürnberg (Germany) > Germanisches Nationalmuseum (GNM)
Who : Amalia DESCALZO, University of Madrid ; Maria ELLINGER-GEBHARDT, GNM, Institut für Kunsttechnik und Konservierung (IKK) ; Pascale GORGUET-BALLESTEROS, Palais Galliera, Paris ; Katia JOHANSEN, Royal Danish Collections, Kopenhagen ; Anja KREGELOH, GNM ; Petra KRESS, GNM, IKK ; Jean-Pierre LETHUILLIER, Université de Rennes 2 ; Sabine MARTIUS, GNM, IKK ; Gabriele MENTGES, TU-Dortmund ; Roberta ORSI LANDINI, Florenz ; Isabelle PARESYS, Université de Lille ; Johannes PIETSCH, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München ; Ulinka RUBLACK, University of Cambridge ; Jutta ZANDER-SEIDEL, GNM.
Workshop anlässlich der Ausstellung. In Mode. Kleider und Bilder aus Renaissance und Frühbarock (https://www.gnm.de/ausstellungen/sonderausstellungen-rueckblick/in-mode/) / Workshop on the occasion of the exhibition In Fashion. Clothing and Images from Renaissance and Early Baroque (https://www.gnm.de/en/exhibitions/sonderausstellungen-rueckblick/in-fashion-clothes-and-pictures-from-the-renaissance-and-early-baroque/)
This workshop takes place within the framework of the international research project of the GIS-Acorso. Based on topics and exhibits from the exhibition, it addresses questions concerning the significance of objects, materiality and the potential of early modern age dress from a cultural-historical perspective. Issues of body and gender history as well as the relation between image and object will be central. The workshop is designed as an open discussion on topics regarding the local exhibition which will be initiated by short introductory notes.
Friday, March 4th 2016
14:00-15:00h (Kunstbalkon) Welcome and refreshment
GNM: Jutta Zander-Seidel, Head of Department Textiles and Jewellery, Deputy Director
GIS: Jean-Pierre Lethuillier, Director of research of the Modern History departement, University of Rennes 2, Gabriele Mentges, Department of Art and Material Culture, TU-Dortmund
15.00-18.00 Uhr (Exhibition Hall I)
Round table discussion 1: Authenticity and modification: Destiny and migration of 16th /17th centuries clothing
Introduction to the exhibition (Zander-Seidel); Introductory note (Anja Kregeloh)
- Burial dress of Katharina zur Lippe
Doublet’s Fashion show
- Headgear (beret hat) in the Renaissance
Round table discussion 2: Costume and Images of costumes
Introductory note Lethuillier
- Poses and reality (example: coat)
- National styles of early modern age: construction or reality?
19:30h Abendessen/ Dinner
Saturday, 5th March 2016
09:30-12:30h, (Exhibition Hall I)
Round table discussion 3: Body, gender and original costumes
Introductory note Pietsch
- Real objects – real bodies: measurements and sizes
- Cross gender-doublets (problems of the male/female attribution)
- Androgynous fashion tendencies around 1600 (hat, doublet, ruff)
12:30-14:00h (Café Arte) Lunch
14:00-17:00h (Konferenzraum)
Concluding discussion (plus coffee break)
- Summary and unresolved issues concerning the discussions on the exhibition
- „How to work about objects and have no objects”: Historic dress research museum: university
- Publication Workshop?